Requesting Person Extracts
The personal name search is the first stage of requesting a personal name extract.
The request must provide a name (family plus given) and advise whether the extract is to contain historical roles and/or shareholdings.
It may also provide a range of birth dates. If these are provided, only names matching the birth date range, or having no birth date recorded, will be provided.
For a valid request, the reply will contain a list of personal names which meet the search criteria, plus a unique search results identifier.
A personal name extract can then be requested to contain details pertaining to all or some of the names provided
When a personal name is included in the result list because a former name matches the request criteria, then that former name will be returned here and the current name will also be provided.
When a personal name is included in the result list the current name matches the request criteria, then the former name elements will be null.